Ah, Go On – Ireland’s Top 5 Tea Brands

By Sarah O'Sullivan
Ah, Go On – Ireland’s Top 5 Tea Brands

It can be an automatic ritual: up in the morning, down to the kitchen, kettle on.

It starts the day, punctuates it, eases you into the evening. It’s perfect for when you don’t know what to say, so you say, “Tea?”

Ireland has a special relationship with tea, as it is the country with the second-highest consumption of the drink, per capita, in the world – behind only Türkiye. Irish people consume, on average, 2.9kg of tea per year. That is an average of three cups a day per person, although – taking into account babies, children, and non-tea drinkers – the amount per person is likely closer to five.

One reason for this high consumption may be the lack of formality around tea times. Unlike the number-three consumer of tea – the UK – Irish tea drinkers don’t pay mind to set rituals, such as elevenses and high tea, but, rather, any time that suits, morning noon or night.

Increased interest in health and wellness has also given a boost to herbal teas, which may have contributed, in part, to a jump in the category’s popularity during the pandemic.


It is due to these habits that the sale of packaged tea and tea bags have remained popular in Ireland. The category has slipped in the Checkout Top 100 Brands in recent years, from 29th place in 2021 to 32nd in 2023.

However, the market share for the top five brands has jumped, going from 75.6% in 2018 to 89.7% in 2023.

Published every August, the Checkout Top 100 Brands is based on branded value sales across the Irish grocery sector, making it the most accurate barometer of the biggest-selling brands in the marketplace.

In compiling the report, NIQ Ireland measures the sales performance of over 5,000 brands from over 200 product classes.

Ireland’s Top 5 Tea Brands

  1. Barry’s Tea

In the ongoing debate of Ireland’s favourite tea, Barry’s pipped the post in sheer numbers this year, but based on data from Tesco earlier this year, the battle remains competitive.


Founded in 1901, Barry’s Tea has built a reputation as an Irish staple, though it remains innovative. It has introduced green and herbal teas to its offerings, and since the end of September 2021, all the tea bags that it produces are biodegradable, furthering the brand’s sustainability goals.

  1. Lyons Tea

Another familiar brand with deep roots in Irish identity, Lyons Tea retains its number-two spot from last year. Based on Tesco’s Clubcard findings from 2023, it came just behind Barry’s in sales across the country – though Lyons was the preferred tea in Donegal, Monaghan and Louth.

Founded just three years after its rival, in 1904, Lyons has been a firm favourite in Ireland from the get-go, with a Lyons Tea sign even making an appearance in the 1952 John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara film The Quiet Man.

  1. Twinings Tea

Twinings is the oldest label on the list, with origins dating back as far as the 1700s. The brand offers a wide variety of herbal teas and tea blends, offering tastes for tea drinkers across the spectrum of preferences.

In 2013, Philip Grey – the seventh and current Earl Grey – credited Twinings with developing the famous Earl Grey blend, though many other tea companies have claimed it.


  1. Pukka Tea

Pukka’s mission involves creating great-tasting herbal teas that offer health benefits to drinkers, rather than simply a nice-tasting drink. The name of the brand comes from the Hindi word pukka, meaning ‘real, authentic or genuine.’ The brand offers teas to help with sleep, energy and digestion, and its wide range of products makes it an herbal tea favourite with Irish shoppers.

  1. Bewley’s Tea

Another Irish brand offering special infusions and classic blends alike, Bewley’s has maintained its position in the top five Irish tea brands. Established in 1840 on Sycamore Street, near Temple Bar, the iconic Bewley’s brand today is enjoyed by people at home and abroad, and its current premises on Grafton Street acts as both a historic spot for a day out and a beautiful tourist destination.

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