Mars Ireland And PRL Logistics Open Net Zero Warehouse In Dublin

By Robert McHugh
Mars Ireland And PRL Logistics Open Net Zero Warehouse In Dublin

Mars Ireland has announced a three-year partnership with PRL, and the opening of a new Net Zero operating warehouse in Dublin.

Under the partnership agreement, PRL will provide logistics, distribution, freight, sales and marketing solutions to Mars Ireland.

'More Sustainable Future'

“With the opening a new net zero operating warehouse we mark a significant milestone for the business as we strive to further enhance our impact, reputation and penetration with Irish customers, shoppers and consumers," said Katrine Grytter, corporate affairs director at Mars Multisales North Europe.

"Mars Ireland are proud to be taking steps to change the way we do business and deliver a more sustainable future."

Renewable Energy Sources

The new distribution centre commits to Net Zero operations, facilitated by the installation of on-site renewable energy sources, the use of HVO in all PRL delivery vehicles, and energy optimisations such as modern LED lighting, activation sensors, and light harvesting methodologies.


Mars claims the onsite generation will generate a minimum of 30% of all electricity used at the facility, with the remaining electricity demand to be supplemented with off-site renewable generation.

Transport emissions will also reduce by an estimated 90%, due to the use of HVO diesel, while EV charging will also be made available on site.


This Net Zero operating warehouse supports Mars’ global ‘Sustainable in a Generation’ strategy, which commits the global food giant to reducing total GHG emissions across its value chain by 50% by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050.

The first progress report of this strategy, published in late July, showed that in 2023 the company achieved a record 8% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, doubling its total GHG reduction to 16% across its full value chain and delivering its largest single year reduction in GHG emissions against its 2015 baseline.

'Transformative Steps'

"Choosing a partner that shares the same ambitions as us has been crucial and is the latest in a series of transformative steps that we will be taking to achieve our ambitions of Net Zero," said Jeff Johansson, North Europe supply chain director at Mars.

"We’re grateful to PRL for matching our ambition with this first of its kind partnership between the two companies.”

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