Müller Light Survey Reveals How To ‘Get the Good Going’

By Sarah O'Sullivan
Müller Light Survey Reveals How To ‘Get the Good Going’

Müller Light has revealed the results of a survey launched as part of its ‘Get the Good Going’ campaign, celebrating its reformulated Müller Light range.

The yoghurt-maker asked the Irish public to reveal the things that they find uplifting on a daily basis.

When asked ‘What makes your day brighter?’, the most popular responses were a hug or chat with a loved one (42%), a cup of tea or coffee in peace (29%), and some kind of physical activity (20%).

Mornings can be chaotic at the best of times, between work, school, kids, and the never-ending to-do list, but many people try to maintain healthy habits to start the day on the right foot.

Müller found that one morning non-negotiable for respondents is a healthy breakfast (34%), followed by getting some fresh air (28%) and making the bed first thing in the morning (21%), as ‘otherwise the whole day is thrown off-kilter!’


However, it seems that Zen is not the main focus of the morning for most, as only 11% of those surveyed said that they wait until after breakfast to look at their phone notifications.

Make Your Day

When asked ‘What small win would make your day?’, the majority (60%) said finding €10 in the pocket of a jacket that they had forgotten about.

Some 24% said that waking up before their alarm went off made their day, while 18% said their 9am meeting being cancelled.

When asked ‘What makes you feel that little bit lighter?’, 70% said a walk in fresh air, and 33% said sharing a problem with a friend or loved one.

Just 12% of respondents said that a social-media detox might make them feel lighter, and only 14% said that turning off their phone notifications for an hour would help.


Available nationwide, the new Müller Light yoghurt range includes added Vitamin B6, which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, and Vitamin D, which helps support the normal function of the immune system.

The reformulated recipe is also thicker, high in protein and fat-free, with 0% added sugar, ensuring that customers can still have the delicious Müller Light taste that they love in an even more enjoyable way.

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