Who Is? Nicole Farren, Senior Account Manager, Nielsen

By Donna Ahern
Who Is? Nicole Farren, Senior Account Manager, Nielsen

This month Donna Ahern talks to Nicole Farren, senior account manager, Nielsen

Nielsen is a global measurement and data analytics company. It's approach marries proprietary Nielsen data with other data sources to 'help clients around the world understand what is happening right now, and what is happening next – and how to act on this knowledge.'


How would you describe your role?

Varied! I work on the retailer services team, so much of my week consists of analysing our data and preparing reports for our retail clients.

I also spend a lot of my time working with our global thought leadership and marketing teams preparing market and consumer insights for Ireland.

What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

My parents ran their own companies when I was growing up so my first ‘job’ would have been helping them out with various things. They are both incredibly hard workers who are passionate about their careers, so the main thing I learned from helping them was to work hard, and to love what you do to make the hard work enjoyable!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I am lucky to work with a variety of retailers around the country who keep my job interesting by asking me wide-ranging questions about the market.

I am a naturally curious and analytical person, so being able to deep dive into our data to answer these questions, solving problems, and spotting trends in the market is what I enjoy most about my role.

What three businesspeople do you most admire, and why?

Melinda Gates – she was a trailblazer for women in the technology industry before she met and married Bill, and she now uses her privileged position and global platform to be one of the most powerful advocates for women and girls worldwide.

Next, Jack Ma for his tenacity.

He was rejected from numerous jobs and colleges and had launched two companies that ultimately failed before co-founding Alibaba in 1999. Under his leadership, which was largely focused on teamwork and people development, the company transformed the Asian retail landscape.

And last, but by no means least, Chupi Sweetman, founder of Chupi Jewellery, which has grown from being a small Irish start up in 2013 to an internationally adored brand. It is the ultimate Irish success story!

What is the best piece of advice that you have been given?

I like the quote “if you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room”.

It is easy and comfortable to always stick to what you know but pushing your boundaries and always striving for better is extremely important. I find that learning from other people’s experience and opinions is one of the best ways to do this, so it’s a quote that resonates with me.

What do you think the government could do to help business in the current climate?

As we re-open the country after Covid-19, it is critical that the government provides the necessary supports for both individuals and businesses who have been hardest hit by the sudden economic downturn. A variety of supports for businesses affected by Covid-19

have been made available by the State and by State agencies, and these supports need to continue in the months ahead.

Nobody knows what the lasting economic impact of Covid-19 will be, but helping businesses to re-open as soon as is safely possible will help employment rates return to pre-pandemic levels, which is a key step to restarting economic growth in the country.

What advertising campaign have you most enjoyed in recent months?

The ‘Keep Discovering’ campaign that Fáilte Ireland have been running this year is fantastic.

I love to travel and in the past I’ve been guilty of hopping on a plane to a new country before exploring what is here on my doorstep – but these ads have really made me want to explore more of Ireland once lockdown is lifted!

What was your favourite grocery brand when you were growing up, and why?

Lucky charms! Maybe not the healthiest breakfast but I absolutely adored them and even had a special bowl with the leprechaun on it.

With which fictional character do you most identify?

Like I said, I am a very curious person and I like to solve problems, so maybe a sleuth like Nancy Drew?

Although I am also a bit of a data nerd, and like to have my dog close by at all time, so maybe I am more like Velma from Scooby Doo!

If you could bring back one product that is no longer available in Ireland, what would
it be?

I have a big sweet tooth so it would have to be a chocolate bar – either Cadbury Top Deck or a Mars Delight.

Who would come to your ideal dinner party (living or dead)?

First on my list would be Frank Abegnale Jr – the real-life protagonist of Catch Me if You Can.

It is one of my favourite films and I’d love to hear the story of his life!

Then Mindy Kaling, for some comic relief, Hozier for music, and Graham Norton to help keep the questions (and the wine) flowing.

© 2020 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. Click sign-up to subscribe to Checkout.


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