Drinks Ireland Partners With Teagasc Signpost Programme To Support Irish Grain Sustainability

By Donna Ahern
Drinks Ireland Partners With Teagasc Signpost Programme To Support Irish Grain Sustainability

The Teagasc Signpost programme has announced a partnership with Drinks Ireland to further reduce the environmental footprint of grain production.

The group noted that the move is 'key to underpinning the future sustainability needs of Ireland’s drinks industry'.

Working with Drinks Ireland and four of its leading member companies (Diageo, Heineken Ireland, Irish Distillers and William Grant & Sons), the partnership will lead and support the transition towards climate smart cropping systems that advance reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, while maximising carbon sequestration.

'Proud Record'

Speaking on behalf of Drinks Ireland, William Lavelle stated, “The Irish distilling and brewing industries have a proud record of buying quality grain from Irish farmers. More recently, our industry has been directly working with farmers to support greater sustainability in Irish tillage farming."


"Drinks Ireland, along with four of our leading members, have decided to partner with Teagasc on this new Signpost Farm programme as a sign of our strong support for Ireland’s tillage farmers as they strive to reduce carbon emissions while ensuring a sustainable future supply of Irish grain for Ireland’s iconic drinks industry.”

The Teagasc Signpost highlighted that each year, the Irish drinks industry is supported with grain production from more than 2,000 farmers producing approximately 300,000 tonnes of grain from approximately 45,000 hectares.

The environmental sustainability credentials of the tillage sector are strong, with crop production producing the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per unit area of our main agricultural production systems, it added. 

Tillage Farms

The Teagasc Signpost noted that sustainability and in order to maximise increase climate resilience in cropping systems, the Tillage farms in the Teagasc Signpost Farm Programme are taking a lead in the adoption and demonstration of key actions to further reduce environmental footprint of production.


Some of the indicators of success will include; establishing ground cover for spring cereal production and also to reduce pesticide use on farm.

Together the two groups are developing a plan to improve fertiliser use efficiency while replacing chemical fertilisers by up to 20% with organic manure as well as implementing a soil C enhancement programme.

Welcoming the collaboration, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture with responsibility for research and innovation Martin Heydon, said,“Having been born and bred in a tillage heartland, I am incredibly proud of the sector and the work our farmers do.

"Food Vision 2030 recognises tillage as one of the most carbon efficient sectors of Irish agriculture and sets out a clear ambition to grow the sector. Given its significant contribution to the drinks industry, it makes sense to have close collaboration between all stakeholders to ensure we take advantage of potential growth in high value crops for distilling and brewing.”

Read More: Irish Drinks Exports To US Valued At €619m In 2021

© 2022 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. For more Drinks news, click here. Click sign up to subscribe to Checkout.

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