Excise Duty Increase Will Cost Jobs, Say NOffLA

By Publications Checkout
Excise Duty Increase Will Cost Jobs, Say NOffLA

The National Off-Licence Association (NOffLA) has expressed its concern for the survival of the independent retail sector after the Government decided today to increase excise duty again this year. NOffLA, a representative of 315 independent community-based off-licences, believes jobs will be lost and closures will continue as a result.

Chairperson of NOffLA, Evelyn Jones, said, “This is an extremely irresponsible decision by the Government which will put independent off-licences under severe pressure, reignite out of State retailing and lead to another increase in illicit alcohol trading."

Ms. Jones said the government may be in breach of the EU competition law due to the excise increases on alcohol products; “The Lisbon Treaty clearly states that no EU country can impose internal taxes on imports which would afford indirect protection to other products - this is exactly what is happening in Ireland with wine." 

© 2013 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson


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