Half of Irish consumers buy take-away coffee at least once a month while a third of consumers purchase take-away coffee at least once a week, according to the latest Consumer Insights report from Empathy Research.
The survey of 962 participants found that coffee purchasing was more prevalent amongst males (38% vs. 29% females) and participants with children (37% vs. 30% without kids). 25-34 year olds and 35-44 year olds also purchase take away coffee more frequently compared to other age groups; 18-24 (34%), 25-34 (37%), 35-44 (43%) and 45+ (27%).
A third of take-away coffee drinkers say they are buying less take-away coffee compared to a year ago. This was significantly higher amongst females (38% vs. 31% males) and participants with children (44% vs. 23% without kids). Two-fifths (40%) of 35-44 year olds buy less coffee than they did last year.
In contrast, 14% of coffee drinkers say they are buying more take-away coffees than they did last year. This was driven predominantly by 18-24 year olds (34%) and less prevalent among older age groups; 25-34 (19%), 35-44 (13%) and 45+ (7%).
In terms of the factors impacting on the purchase of takeaway coffee, value for money (84%), type of coffee served (78%) and location/how convenient it is (78%) are the top three factors for consumers when purchasing take-away coffee. Value for money (84%), type of coffee served (78%) and location/how convenient it is (78%) are the top three factors for consumers when purchasing take-away coffee.
Other important or very important factors include speed of service (72%) and brand of coffee served (65%). Only 1 in 5 (22%) coffee purchasers think it is important to have a loyalty card.
© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Stephen Wynne-Jones