Safefood Warns Against Under-16s Consuming Energy Drinks

By Publications Checkout
Safefood Warns Against Under-16s Consuming Energy Drinks

Safefood has advised against those aged under 16 consuming energy drinks, following its research into their consumption in Ireland.

The group’s report, Energy Drinks in Ireland, revealed that there has been a significant increase in the number of energy drinks on sale in the country when compared with 2002, and that some brands contain up to 16 teaspoons of sugar per can or bottle.

Research also revealed that some brands cost less that 50c a can, and that the biggest group of energy drink consumers are males ages 15-24, and that those who drink them are likely to do so more than once a week.

Dr Cliodhna Foley-Nolan, Director, Human Health & Nutrition at Safefood commented, "Consumption [of energy drinks] can have health consequences because of their sugar and caffeine content.

"A typical 250ml can has sugar levels of six teaspoons per can, which is equivalent to a full chocolate bar. The caffeine content is high and drinking two small cans and one small espresso coffee drives an adult’s daily caffeine intake above recommended levels."


She continued by saying that, "Safefood reiterate that energy drinks are not suitable for children under 16, or for re-hydration purposes following sports."

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Jenny Whelan.

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