Emmet Doyle To Lead The Development Of Organic Sector In Bord Bia

By Maev Martin
Emmet Doyle To Lead The Development Of Organic Sector In Bord Bia

Bord Bia has appointed Emmet Doyle as its first Organic Sector Manager. This is the first full-time resource within the organisation for the organic sector and comes as part of the Government’s Food Vision 2030 commitment to increase organic production while growing Irish organic exports.

Doyle, originally from Cork, is currently Bord Bia’s UK Meat Market Specialist, based in London, a role he has held since 2016. Prior to this, he worked as a marketing executive for Bord Bia in North America. Emmet holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Masters in Food Marketing, both from UCC.

Doyle will also become a key member of the organic stakeholder forum, taking the place of Bord Bia’s Seamus McMenamin, who has been acting organic manager for the past 12 months, in conjunction with his sheep and livestock manager role.

He will take up the new organic role in mid-January. Meanwhile, Bord Bia begins recruitment for the UK meat market specialist role in the coming weeks.

The appointment has been welcomed by Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, Pippa Hackett who said, “I’d like to congratulate Emmet Doyle on his appointment to this new position within Bord Bia. The creation of this new role is a strong signal that Bord Bia is backing the organic sector and that it sees the potential to grow the market significantly.”


Jim O’ Toole, Bord Bia CEO added, “The addition of Emmet Doyle as Bord Bia first dedicated sector manager for organics is critical to realising Bord Bia’s ambitions for the Irish organic sector. Emmet has in-depth experience of working with some of Ireland’s largest customers for meat while delivering strategic value for Bord Bia’s farming and client stakeholders.”

© 2022 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Robert McHugh. For more Fresh Produce news, click here. Click subscribe to sign up for the Checkout print edition.

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