Meat Industry Ireland Welcomes Access To US Beef Market

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Meat Industry Ireland Welcomes Access To US Beef Market

Meat Industry Ireland (MII) today welcomed news that Ireland is to gain full access to the US beef market.

Joe Ryan, MII Senior Executive, said, "Industry has pursued this for several years, working closely with DAFM and Bord Bia. While we are awaiting clarification on some aspects, it is important now to get an agreed certificate in place as soon as possible so that trade can commence. Individual Irish beef processing companies have been working on developing new customer contacts and potential outlets for some time."

He went on to highlight how important this deal is to beef producers in Ireland, explaining, "USDA approval is important from the perspective of Irish beef's international reputation. This is a further endorsement of our food safety standards and our quality management systems. It is positive from an overall trade perspective and our ongoing work in improving international market access for Irish beef."

MII believes that the market for Irish beef will ultimately be a "high value/low volume niche market" for Irish grass-fed steak cuts. However, they also point to low beef production in the US this year as an opportunity for greater export volumes in 2015 and 2016.


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