Mentorship Series #6: The Importance Of Personal Branding

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Mentorship Series #6: The Importance Of Personal Branding

In the sixth of a series of articles by the LEAD Network Ireland chapter, in partnership with Checkout, Agnese Filippi, country manager of Coca-Cola Ireland, reflects on her career journey, starting out as a young marketer in Italy to now leading Coca-Cola in Ireland.

My professional life began in Italy, where I worked as a young marketer, and my career journey has led me to Ireland, where I am leading one of the most iconic brands on this island.

I want to share the lessons I have learned about personal branding and its vital role in propelling my own career.

Personal vs. Professional

Both my personal and professional experiences have shaped my own views on what it means to have a personal brand and the value it can bring.

Developing a strong personal brand is not just beneficial but essential to reaching your full potential and meeting your goals.


It differentiates you from others and establishes what you want to become known for.

I kickstarted my career in marketing over twenty years ago, working with some of Italy’s household brands.

My time at Kinder and Nutella taught me valuable lessons about how to create and sustain value on a grand scale.

The principles I applied to elevate these brands are the same ones that I have used to cultivate my personal brand.

Personal branding is like building a ‘mega brand.’


It requires a deep understanding of what you stand for, what you believe in, the value you bring, and how you communicate that value consistently.

My personal branding can be likened to a drop of water: authentic (transparent), persistent (energetic), agile (adaptable), and holistic (rounded).

These are the qualities that my peers use to describe me today, both in my personal and professional life, and they fit well with the demands of general management in an environment that is shaped by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Dream Bigger

I grew up in a small village, Comano, in the north of Tuscany.

Located between the sea and the mountains in Lunigiana, it is an ancient land of castles and forests, not very different from an Irish county.


My upbringing and my first life-changer, my grandmother, has given me a sense of place and instilled principles that shape who I am as a leader that also allowed me to dream bigger.

In Italy, only 2% of CEOs are women and through my own life I want to inspire others to create a more gender balanced world.

To effectively communicate my personal brand, I have dedicated time to self-reflection and development, both individually and within my network.

This process has involved setting clear goals, seeking feedback, and continuously refining my approach.

Being involved in the LEAD Network has been key to understanding and refining my personal brand, and I have learned from other inspiring women leaders who have led the way in personal brand development.


In many ways, the evolution of my own personal brand can be likened to the ‘water cycle’.

This concept refers to the fact that a drop of water changes all the time – from cloud to rain to ice – and persists, irrespective of the environment.

Just as water is fluid, our personal brand must evolve with our experiences and goals.

Embracing this mindset has allowed me to remain agile, adapting my personal brand to new challenges and opportunities as they arise.

Staying Curious

My brand began to be forged in the ‘river phase,’ where I followed my dream and learned about people management, as well as the basics of business and marketing.

Over time, by being curious, continually changing myself and empowering others, I have gone on a journey and evolved my personal brand.

Today, I am in the ‘ice phase,’ where I have solidified my focus on growing the business sustainably and creating a better shared future for our planet, people and the community we live in.

I am proud that Coca-Cola recognises the value that is unlocked by helping people at every level of our organisation to nurture their personal brand.

That brand not only helps the personal and professional growth of our employees, but it is also key to building an inclusive, dynamic workplace where everyone can thrive.

That is why we provide our employees with the support, tools and resources they need to develop their personal brand effectively.

This includes access to leadership training, networking opportunities, and career development tools.


The benefits of personal branding are numerous.

Firstly, it makes you more conscious of yourself within your ecosystem and builds your confidence.

Secondly, having a clear dream to pursue makes your career decisions purposeful.

Finally, it unlocks the power of people around you because everyone has a unique selling proposition (USP); it’s just a matter of working on it, adapting in order to grow, and advertising it effectively, exactly as you do for a megabrand.


As I look back on my journey, I am reminded of the importance of personal branding in achieving one’s career goals.

It is about more than just professional advancement; it is also about building a legacy and making a meaningful impact.

As women leaders, we sometimes lack a degree of self-belief and courage to share our own stories, which has knock-on impacts on our personal brand.

By spending time discovering and understanding my passions, as well as being coached and supported by my broader ecosystem, I have been able to build up my confidence and strengthen my personal brand.

I encourage all aspiring women leaders, including the next generation, to embrace the power of personal branding.

Take the time to understand your own values and strengths, communicate them effectively, and adapt as you grow.

Make sure to get involved in the LEAD Network to help build and communicate your brand with others.

You will not regret it.


To join the LEAD Network Ireland Chapter’s one-hour virtual session on ‘Building your Personal Brand,’ with Agnese Filippi and executive coach Sarah Doyle, sign up to be a LEAD Network member at (individual membership is free) and register for the event, which takes place on 12 September at 3pm, at


 Read More: Mentorship Series #5: Having A Meaningful Career While Caring For Family

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