


Who Is...? Keith Myers

By Maev Martin
Who Is...? Keith Myers

In Who Is...? Checkout Magazine talks to a professional about themselves and the work that they do, giving an insight to the people that make up the industry. 

This month, Checkout talks to Keith Myers, the managing director of City Reach.

What is your role, and how would you describe what you do?

I am the owner and operator of City Reach. We provide advertising space on the entire City Sightseeing Tour Bus fleet. We have 20 buses in total, which remain in Dublin city centre from 8am to 5.30pm seven days a week.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?

I get a buzz from initially receiving a brief from brands and bringing their campaign all the way through to seeing the bus rolling past me on Dublin’s streets. That feeling never gets old, both as a Dub and a business person.

What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

A long time ago, I worked in power tool sales in my family business. I learned teamwork, that no job is beneath me, and that even when your dad is wrong he is right.

What was your worst job, and what was so bad about it?

I have had no job that I hated but being a kitchen porter will test your resolve. It is a thankless task, which I believe will prepare you for anything, and I tip my hat to anyone in this role.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

My nan told me that it doesn’t matter where the obstacles come from, just keep jumping them, and remember that there is no substitute for effort.


What should the government do to help businesses?

No business will turn away support, particularly financial, but make it straight forward to apply and qualify.

What three businesspeople do you most admire and why?

• Aimee Connolly/Sculpted by Aimee – she is showing how you can leverage online popularity with business smarts to grow and scale quickly.
• Steven Bartlett/Diary of a CEO podcast, Dragons Den – he is the definition of grind when you know what his back story is, which included eating from bins.
• JayZ/rapper, mogul – If you want to witness what zero to hero can look like at an astronomical level and learn business 101, this is the guy.

What advertising campaign have you most enjoyed recently?

One that we carried on five of our buses for Heineken 0.0 made me proud as it was tied to a sponsor of the UEFA Europa League Final, which was being played in our city’s very own Aviva Stadium. Aside from that, Lidl had a cool one on a billboard outside Croke Park the night Coldplay were performing. It was simply their brand colour and text that said ‘And it was all yellow.’ Smart!

An essential in your shopping basket?

Teabags, as I’m a non-drinker – and chocolate as I am a chocoholic.

If you could bring back one product that is no longer available in Ireland, what would it be?

I’m going way back. It would be a two and two bar made by Cleeves. My nan used to buy me these when I lived with her in Cabra in the 1980s – untouchable taste, untouchable memories.


Who are your dream dinner guests, living or dead?

My wife’s parents, Denzel Washington, Prince, Maya Angelou, John Wooden, my grandparents, Barack Obama.

Which fictional character do you most identify with?

Aslan from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

How much time, on average, do you spend on social media each week?

Not much personally, but a good bit for work, maybe 15 hours total per week. LinkedIn, X, Instagram or Facebook? LinkedIn and Instagram.

How are you spending a day off?

Ideally with family, or watching football. The day must also include good food.

What is one thing you would like people to understand about your industry?

Advertising, in particular the out of home space that we operate in, is so important in order for brands to remain front of mind with consumers who have more choice than ever, are being bombarded with a constant influx of information, and now have any amount of reasons to cease being loyal to your product or offering. As Henry Ford said, ‘Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.’


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We will do this and here’s how.

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I can't.

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