The majority of Irish adults (77%) intend to hand out treats to children coming to their door this Halloween, according to the latest Consumer Insights survey by Empathy Research.
Of 959 participants, 93% of those who plan to give out treats will buy them from a shop while just 7% plan to make home-made Halloween treats.
This was strongly driven by those with children (87%) and less popular among those without children (71%). Age wise, 45-54 year olds were the most likely to give treats to trick or treaters with more than 84% planning on buying treats for Halloween. This was noticeably higher than most other age groups; 18-24 (63%), 25-34 (72%), 35-44 (77%) and 55+ (74%).
When asked what kind of treat they will give out on Hallween, 81% said sweets, 52% said chocolate, 51% lollipops and 45% jellies. Only a third of Irish adults plan to hand out healthy treats this Halloween such as fruit (34%) and nuts (31%). However healthier options were a clear favourite among 55+ year olds with half (50%) planning to hand out fruit this Halloween, which was a lot higher than all other age groups; 18-24 (24%), 25-34 (25%), 35-44 (26%) and 45-54 (35%).
Of those who intend to give out treats this Halloween, 65% said that they plan to spend €20 or more on them. On average this works out as €24.26 with men (75%) intending to spend more money on treats (€20 or more) compared to only 56% of women. Survey respondents with children were also found to be more likely to spend more on Halloween treats than those without kids, with 70% of parents planning to spend €20 or more on treats (vs. 61% without children).
When asked where there they intend to buy their Halloween treats from this year, 57% said from a discounter store. The younger age groups seem more likely to shop for Halloween treats in discounters compared to older age groups; 18-24 (68%), 25-34 (54%), 35-44 (67%), 45-54 (62%) and 55+ (47%).
Meanwhile 38% plan to buy their Halloween treats this year from a supermarket. This was was highest amongst 55+ year olds (49%) compared to all other age groups; 18-24 (31%), 25-34 (40%), 35-44 (30%) and 45-54 (35%).
Additionally, three-quarters (75%) of parents mentioned they will be restricting their child’s intake of Halloween treats this year.
© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson
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