The majority (87%) of Irish adults consume hot beverages such as tea, coffee or hot chocolate daily, according to the latest Consumer Insights study from Empathy Research.
Of 950 participants, the older age groups were the most likely to consume hot beverages, with the majority of 45-54 year olds (93%) and 55+ year olds (93%) doing so every day, compared to 79% of 18-35 year olds and 88% of 35-44 year olds.
When asked about the importance of brands when buying hot beverages, 43% say it is 'very important' that they purchase a particular brand of tea, with women more particular (45%) than men (41%) in this regard.
Hot beverage drinkers living in Munster were the 'most loyal' to the brand of tea they buy most often, with over half (57%) citing the purchase of a particular brand of tea as 'very important' compared to 39% of Dublin, 35% of the Rest of Leinster and 39% of Connacht/Ulster. A further 33% of hot beverage consumers said the type of brand they buy is 'moderately important, but I buy various brands'.
Coffee brand choice was deemed to be less important among the consumers surveyed, with less than a third (31%) believing it is 'very important' they buy a particular brand of coffee. More women (35%) than men were of this opinion (27%), while older age groups were more likely to be of this opinion compared to the younger age groups.
Furthermore, hot chocolate buyers were found to be the least brand loyal, with only 16% saying that buying a particular brand of hot chocolate is 'very important', while a further 26% believe it to be 'moderately important' but still buy various brands.
When it comes to buyer behaviour for hot beverages, 54% of hot beverage consumers buy beverages as and when they need them. A further 14% mentioned they wait to stock up on promotions while the remaining 31% will buy hot beverages as and when they need them but also stock up on promotions.
In terms of own brand purchasing, 45% of hot beverage drinkers said that they 'never' buy own brand tea, which was slightly higher among women (48%) than men (41%). A similar level of consumers who 'never' buy own brand tea (45%) also 'never' buy own brand coffee (44%). However, unlike tea, this is significantly higher among women (49%) than men (38%).
Click here for more information from Empathy Research.
© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson
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