Almost Two Thirds Of Adults Purchase Yoghurts Once A Week

By Donna Ahern
Almost Two Thirds Of Adults Purchase Yoghurts Once A Week

Almost two thirds (63%) of adults purchase yoghurts at least once a week, with purchase levels peaking amongst those aged over 65-years old (70%) and those aged 45-54 (69%). Recent research on behalf of Retail Intelligence by Empathy Research, amongst a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults aged 18+, sought to understand the purchase behaviour in this category and what motivates consumers to buy particular types of yoghurt.

While nearly two thirds of adults purchase yoghurts at least once a week, almost a quarter (24%) of these don’t consume the product themselves. There are almost half (46%) who claim their partner/spouse consumes the product, with just over a third (34%) claiming their child(ren) are eating the yoghurt. Amongst those buyers who also consume yoghurts, 9 in 10 (90%) are eating yoghurt once a week or more often.

The range and repertoire of products being purchased in the category is vast. Flavoured Natural yoghurt (37%) is the most popular type of yoghurt being bought, while just over a third (34%) purchase flavoured Greek/Greek style yoghurts. There are just over a quarter (27%) of yoghurt buyers purchasing sweet/dessert type yoghurts, while there are marginally more than 1 in 5 (21%) who purchase yoghurt drinks.

Unflavoured yoghurt is relatively popular also; 20% purchase Greek yoghurts of this style, with 19% purchasing unflavoured natural yoghurt. Fromage Frais is a key purchase for those with dependent children, with 18% of all yoghurt buyers purchasing and 30% of those with dependent children purchasing, rising to 47% of those with dependent children aged between 4-6 years old.

Glenisk is a key brand in this category, with 4 in 10 (40%) of yoghurt purchasers claiming to buy, while just over a third (35%) purchase Muller. Yoplait is purchased by just over a quarter (27%), with Danone slightly behind at 24% claimed purchase.


For further information and more in-depth analysis on the purchase behaviour of those who purchase in each of the yoghurt categories contained in this article, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy Research.

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