Checkout at 40: Survey Shows Strong Support For Guaranteed Irish (Nov 1978)

By Publications Checkout
Checkout at 40: Survey Shows Strong Support For Guaranteed Irish (Nov 1978)

This year, Checkout commemorates its 40th anniversary under its current ownership, and with this in mind, every week, Retail Intelligence is going to ‘reel in the years’ and publish a story from our extensive archives. This article from November 1978 discusses the success of the introduction of the Guaranteed Irish Programme.

A very high level of consumer satisfaction for the Guaranteed Irish Programme, and for Irish Products generally, is shown in the results of a comprehensive survey, which has been released by the Irish Goods Council.

The survey was commissioned by the Council and undertaken by the Market Research Bureau of Ireland, in association with MLH Consultants Limited. It covers a representative nationwide sample of adults in all age groups.

The Guaranteed Irish symbol was recognised by 86% of respondents in the survey. Of those, 78% correctly identified it as ‘Guaranteed Irish’.

Guaranteed Irish has had an impact on purchasing; 62% of interviewed stated that the symbol influences their buying decisions. 45% always or sometimes look for the Guaranteed Irish product when shopping.


The survey dispels the myth that Irish consumers regard domestic products as too dear or of inferior quality. Those interviewed were asked to rate Irish versus imported goods in food, footwear, clothing, furniture and carpets. In all categories, the Irish product showed a clear superiority in quality and value for money.

There is a growing awareness of the distinction between Guaranteed Irish and the former 'Buy Irish concept'. About half the respondents in the survey recognised the distinction, one third saw no difference and 18% did not know. However, the ‘guarantee’ element of Guarantee Irish is not clearly understood by most people.

Commenting on the survey, Mr Vivian Murray, Chief Executive, Irish Goods Council, said that awareness of Guaranteed Irish has shown a further increase compared with a similar consumer attitude survey undertaken in 1977. Guaranteed Irish was now the best known product identification symbol in Ireland, with a very high level of consumer acceptance, he said.

“Guaranteed Irish, within the context of the three-year Programme for the promotion of Irish goods, has helped bring about the important switch in consumer buying behaviour,” said Mr Murray. The survey results are in line with import statistics, which for the first seven months of this year, show a halving in the growth rate of competing imports overall.

“The survey will shape future activities. We are satisfied that there is widespread consumer support for the Programme. Guaranteed Irish will be further strengthened by increased emphasis on consumer education programmes, and by spelling out in detail the after-sales guarantee built into Guaranteed Irish.”

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