Why Checkout Is Shining A Light On Homelessness

By Publications Checkout
Why Checkout Is Shining A Light On Homelessness

On 13 October, Checkout editor Jenny Whelan will be sleeping-out on the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral to "Shine a Light" on homelessness in Ireland, with the help of Focus Ireland.

Here, she explains why she is getting involved.

Today in Ireland, there are 7,500 people homeless, and one in three of these is a child. This simply isn’t something I feel I can sit back and ignore.

I truly believe that if we all play our part, we can huge strides in alleviating this crisis. Therefore, I’ve signed up for ‘Shine a Light Night’ so I can help Focus Ireland provide vital prevention services and change people’s lives.

Focus Ireland believe that homelessness can be ended and work to break the cycle of homelessness by giving people access to information, housing, childcare and a range of education services throughout Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny, Limerick, Sligo, Waterford, Clare and Wexford.


Turn on the news today, and you are inundated with crisis after crisis. Let’s be honest, it’s overwhelming, and makes you feel like there is nothing you can do the make the world any better or fairer.

However, I am convinced that if we can do nothing else, we can pull together and take on this crisis as a community.

I am now asking for help from my readers. You can help to end and prevent homelessness in Ireland today by sponsoring me to take part in this sleep-out.

I have committed to raise €5,000 by 13 October, please demonstrate your solidarity by sponsoring me today.

To sponsor me, visit my page here or send a cheque to me made payable to ‘Focus Ireland.’



Best Wishes,


Jenny Whelan



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