Half Of Irish Consumers Have Tried Craft Beer

By Publications Checkout
Half Of Irish Consumers Have Tried Craft Beer

Nearly half (48%) of Irish shoppers have tried craft beer, according to the latest Consumer Insights survey by Empathy Research.

Of 1,097 participants, craft beer was most popular with 25-34 (59%) and 35-44 year olds (52%). Craft beer was less popular, however, with those aged 18-24 (45%) and 45+ (42%). Gender-wise, more men (59%) than women (38%) said that they had tried craft beer before.

Of those who had drunk craft beer before, less than half (49%) have bought it from supermarkets. While nearly two-thirds of 25-34 (60%) and 35-44 (58%) year olds have bought craft beers from supermarkets, other age groups were less likely to do so; 18-24 (43%), 45+ (38%). Amongst those who buy craft beer or ales in supermarkets, 37% said they would buy them at least once a month. 

Men are more frequent buyers of craft beers/ales in supermarkets with more than one in five (43%) buying them at least once a month, while less than a third (27%) of women buy them as often. More than two-fifths (44%) of Dublin craft beer buyers purchase craft beers/ales from their supermarket at least once a month, which was much higher than all other regions.

The majority (64%) of those surveyed said that they would like to supermarkets stock more craft beers. however, nearly a third (31%) of participants who have tried craft beers/ales say they prefer to stick to mainstream brands.


Less than a third (30%) of craft beer drinkers think craft beers in supermarkets offer value for money. In addition, almost half (49%) of the survey participants believe craft beers are too expensive, with more men (57%) of this opinion compared to women (37%).

Click here for more information from Empathy Research.

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson

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