Did You Know...? 23 March 2021

By Maev Martin
Did You Know...? 23 March 2021

Did you know...? This week, XL Ireland is launching an Easter Egg Hunt kit as Gaeilge to promote a fun Easter at home. XL has a proud tradition supporting the Irish language and the Easter Egg Hunt kit encourages the use of Irish this Easter. The kit includes everything you need for an enjoyable Easter egg hunt - signs, paw prints, clue cards, a banner and much more, with Irish wording throughout. This kit is available to download on the XL Ireland Facebook page in colour and black and white. Take a look here at the Easter Egg Hunt kit and some great Easter recipe ideas here. Beannachtaí na Cásca ó XL Ireland!

Did you know...? Fresh produce firm Greenyard has announced a new €467.5 million financing agreement, which includes support from a consortium of banks, the Flemish government, and two private investors, one of which is Belgian billionaire Marc Coucke, reports esmmagazine.com. Coucke's Alychlo NV investment firm, alongside existing shareholder Joris Ide, have committed to participate in a €50 million reserved capital increase, the company said. Following the investment, Coucke, the founder of pharmaceutical giant Omega Pharma, will become a member of Greenyard's board of directors.

Did you know...? Amazon workers in Italy went on a 24-hour strike on Monday in the first such action by the U.S. company's entire logistics operation in the country, including third-party delivery service providers. Trade unions estimate Amazon's delivery systems rely on 40,000 workers in Italy including staff at its logistics arm, which employs most of Amazon's 9,500 long-term staff in the country. Italy's FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and Uiltrasporti unions called the 24-hour strike after failing to reach common ground at two meetings in January with Amazon and the collapse of negotiations with employers association Assoespressi, which represents delivery firms. Marco Odone of Uiltrasporti said protests were widespread across Amazon sites and preliminary estimates found 70% to 75% of workers did not report to their jobs. A spokeswoman for Amazon, which has over 40 logistics centres in Italy, said fewer than 10% of its employees and around 20% of third-party workers had joined the strike.

Did you know...? Coop Denmark has announced that 42% of all the food items sold through its website in 2020 were organic. Denmark is a world leader in terms of organic sales, with 15% of overall food consumption being organic, reports esmmagazine.ie The retailer's online arm, Coop.dk MAD, delivers groceries all over Denmark, partly from a central distribution terminal in Vallensbæk near Copenhagen, while the rest come from approximately 80 local Kvickly department stores and SuperBrugsen outlets. Due to an increased demand for online grocery deliveries, driven by the pandemic, the site more than doubled its total turnover throughout 2020.

© 2021 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. Click sign up to subscribe to Checkout.


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