Did you know?... New York boosted the minimum price of a pack of cigarettes by 24 percent to $13 (€10.80) and placed a cap on the number of tobacco sellers, part of the city’s biggest crackdown on smoking in more than a decade.
Did you know?... German discounter Aldi Süd has announced its plans to sell misshapen fruits and vegetables, or 'krummendinger', in an effort to reduce food waste.
Did you know?... Marks & Spencer has launched a children’s footwear advice service in 36 of its stores, on a trial basis.
Did you know?... Lidl's wine sales in the UK have have increased in value by 37% year-on-year, despite a slow down in growth in recent years.
Did you know?... Italian agriculture has experienced a drop in production this summer as a result of high temperatures, according to Italian farmers’ association Coldiretti.
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