The latest Consumer Insights survey from Empathy Research has found that more than two-fifths of adults (43%) believe the new cigarette packaging proposal will have 'no impact' on reducing smoking rates in Ireland.
In a survey of almost 1,000 people, it was also found that over a quarter (29%) believe that the government’s plain packaging proposal will help reduce smoking rates. More males (35%) were of this opinion than females (24%).
More than two fifths (43%) also believed that there will be an increase in illegal tobacco sales if the measure is introduced, with those aged 55+ being the most likely to be of this opinion (49%), more than other age groups: 18-24 years (36%), 25-34 years (41%), 35-44 years (44%), 45-54 years (43%).
Looking at this by region, half those living in the Rest of Leinster (50%) and Munster (48%) feel the plain packaging proposal for cigarettes will lead to an increase in illegal tobacco sales. This is significantly higher compared to Dublin (39%) and Connacht/Ulster (36%).
Over a third (37%) of Irish adults think that a plain packaging initiative should be introduced on other unhealthy products such as foods which are high in sugar or high in fat.
However, an almost equal number (36%) felt that it should not be imposed on other products. Males are significantly more likely to be of this opinion (40%) than females (32%).
© 2015 - Checkout Magazine by Hannah Popham.
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