6 Key Steps To Engage Irish Shoppers In The Run-Up To Christmas

By Donna Ahern
6 Key Steps To Engage Irish Shoppers In The Run-Up To Christmas

The onset of winter triggers a profound shift in consumer behaviour.

As the holiday season approaches, people begin to immerse themselves in the spirit of Christmas, and whether that means enjoying days out at Christmas markets or shopping for gifts, one thing is clear – they all involve being outside.

New research conducted on behalf of Talon reveals that November stands out as the peak shopping month, with 34% of Irish consumers commencing their gift-hunting journeys in the lead into Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Meanwhile, roughly 13% take a more relaxed approach and don’t begin Christmas shopping until December.

Finally, a small but devoted group, accounting for just 5% of shoppers, relishes the excitement of last-minute purchases during the week leading up to Christmas.


Six Key Steps

The following are six key steps for retailers and producers to engage shoppers during the run-up to Christmas.

1/ Be At The Moment Of Truth

Consumers feel that adverts in proximity to the store are more noticeable than adverts in other locations, which influences consumer action.

By strategically placing ads in high-traffic areas during the festive period, brands can effectively engage consumers and drive meaningful action.


2/ Lean Into Context With Dynamic

Allowing brands to create emotional connections with their audience is even more crucial during the holiday season.

A 2020 study called The Moment of Truth showed that using dynamic OOH (out of home) in your campaign can lead to an 18% increase in cognitive response, a 16% boost in in-store sales, and a remarkable 32% recall increase when delivering the right content at the right moment.

3/ Reach More Of Your Audiences With OOH

Utilising audience-first planning to optimise your OOH campaign can improve brand awareness and increase purchase intent.


Audience-led planning can be prescriptive in reaching a brand’s desired audience. Our mapping system can target audiences as narrow or as broad as your brand requires.

4/ Own Key Consumption Opportunities With Programmatic Strategies

By owning key consumption opportunities through programmatic strategies, brands can experience a twofold increase in purchase consideration, a 15% increase in relevance to the target audience’s lifestyle, and a threefold boost in purchase intent.

5/ Shoppable OOH 

In recent years, there has been significant uptick in the adoption of QR codes in OOH.


These codes are playing a pivotal role in connecting the online and offline realms, offering convenient access to holiday promotions, discounts, and even event details.

This, in turn, enriches the overall holiday shopping experience for consumers.

6/ Amplify With Creativity To Increase Attention 

Let’s not forget: OOH’s main role is to drive messages to the masses.

There’s no better way to capture this attention than to infuse your campaigns with creativity.

Think beyond traditional OOH boundaries and consider engaging visuals and unique concepts that will make your ad stand out.

Ultimately, creativity is the key to making a lasting impact on your target audience.

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