Business Leaders Urge Companies To Support The Fight Against Homeless Crisis

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Business Leaders Urge Companies To Support The Fight Against Homeless Crisis

Urgent support is needed for the Simon House Of Cards Appeal This Christmas. The money raised will help us secure permanent supported accommodation for those who live in fear of becoming trapped and institutionalized in homelessness.

The Simon Community works to prevent homelessness by providing housing, tenancy sustainment, emergency accommodation, settlement services and information services to those in need.

Entrepreneur and food investor Michael Carey, urged companies to give what they can. He said “Just this month, a 20% increase in the number of people sleeping rough was recorded in Dublin. This is the highest figure since the official count in 2007 began. […] This does not include the 1,500 people who are forced to take shelter in emergency accommodation in Dublin each night.”

Deidre O’Donoghue, Country Manager for Nestlé Ireland added “The Simon House of Cards Appeal needs to raise over €500,000 to provide vital housing and supports the high numbers of individuals, families and children who are homeless or at risk of losing their home.”

One can support and pledge by logging onto or contact 1850 462 462.

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Robert Moloney


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