Despite Reduced Salt In Foods Irish Consume Too Much

By Donna Ahern
Despite Reduced Salt In Foods Irish Consume Too Much

Despite a significant reduction in salt in processed foods, Irish consumers still exceeds the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended daily intake, according to The Food Safety Authority (FSAI).

FSAI published an update of its annual salt monitoring programme this morning, which has been in place since 2003. Although food manufactures have complied with salt reduction recommendations, it appears Irish adults still consume too much.

According to Dr. Wayne Anderson, Director of Food Science and Standards: “While levels of salt have decreased in processed foods, the average dietary salt intakes in Irish adults continue to exceed the recommended daily intake of 5g salt per day. The estimated average daily salt intake in Irish adults is currently 11.1g salt per/day in men and 8.5g salt per/day in women. We would ask consumers to read product labels for information on salt content and reduce the amount of salt they add themselves in cooking and at the table.”

The FSAI examined 530 samples of processed food in 2015 across four categories; meats, breads, breakfast cereals and spreadable fats. Significant reductions in salt content was shown across a variety of processed products, but most notably in cornflake breakfast cereals which showed 63% less and rice based cereals which showed 48% less salt. Processed meats fared incredibly well also as rashers showed 27% less, cooked ham 15% less and sausages 11% less salt.

Dr. Anderson added: “Overall we are satisfied with the latest salt reductions and this outlines Irish manufacturers’ commitment and positive contribution being made to tackle health issues. Going into the future, the industry needs to pursue further research and development to achieve further reductions where possible”. Food Safety Authority of Ireland protects public health and consumer interests in the area of food safety and hygiene.

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern


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