NHF Announces Details Of 'Obesity Prevention' Seminar

By Publications Checkout
NHF Announces Details Of 'Obesity Prevention' Seminar

Professor Brian Wansink, food psychologist at Cornell University has been announced as the keynote speaker at the Nutrition and Health Foundation’s (NHF) 8th annual seminar, taking place in Dublin’s Gibson Hotel this September.

This theme of year’s seminar is ‘Obesity Prevention Through Changing Consumer Behaviour', and it will be addressed by national and international experts, looking at past and current initiatives to address obesity in Ireland.

Professor Wansink is best known for his work on ‘nudge theory’; the study on the effect that plate size has on calorie intake. He recently launched the ‘Slim by Design Movement’, which works with the catering, hospitality and retail sectors to help consumer to make better food choices through their design of food environments.

Other speakers confirmed for the event include personalized nutrition expert Dr Daniel McCartney, as well as Dr John Devlin and Ronan Toomey from the Department of Health.

Dr Devlin will discuss the National Obesity Prevention Strategy, while Toomey will speak on the National Physical Activity Strategy.


The half-day seminar takes place from 9.00am-2.30pm, on September 10. Booking is advised and further information can be found at www.nhfireland.ie

© 2015 - Checkout Magazine by Jenny Whelan

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