‘Stop Crime Against Retailers’ Campaign Calls For Immediate Government Action

By Sarah O'Sullivan
‘Stop Crime Against Retailers’ Campaign Calls For Immediate Government Action

A new campaign – titled ‘Stop Crime Against Retailers’ – is calling for immediate government action to combat the alarming rise in crime facing retailers nationwide.

The campaign was launched at an event today at Fallon & Byrne, in Dublin, spearheaded by ShelfLife, in partnership with the Convenience Stores and Newsagents Association (CSNA).

It highlighted the urgent need for stronger legislative protections and enhanced Garda response times, as criminal activity continues to cripple the retail sector.

A recent ShelfLife survey revealed that 100% of retailer respondents have experienced criminal activity in the past year, ranging from shoplifting to violent robbery, as well as intimidation.

The findings also indicate that some 89% of retailers feel that these crimes are becoming more dangerous, underscoring the escalating risks to both businesses and staff members.


Other results of note included some 88% reporting no visible Garda presence in the area of their business, which emboldened criminals, and some 73% stating that illicit trade was severely impacting their businesses, particularly in the tobacco sector.

‘Unprecedented Levels Of Crime’

Speaking about the alarming trend of criminal activity, the chief executive of the CSNA, Vincent Jennings, said, “Retailers are the backbone of our communities, yet they are facing unprecedented levels of crime that threaten their livelihoods.

“We are calling on the government to act immediately. This isn’t just about theft – it’s about the safety of our business owners, staff and customers.

“It’s time to introduce stronger protections.”

Retailers attending the event joined in by voicing their frustrations, with one independent convenience store owner saying, “Our staff face daily threats, and criminals don’t even fear CCTV any more because they know there are no real consequences.


“We need stronger deterrents, more Garda patrols, and real consequences for these crimes.”

The managing director of ShelfLife, John McDonald, also addressed the issue, saying, “Retailers are facing a crime epidemic, from shoplifting to violent assaults on staff.

“The government must act now to ensure faster justice and stronger protections for businesses that are integral to our communities.”


The CSNA also laid out five urgent asks for the government to help retailers in the face of rising crime.

These are: stronger legal protections for retailers, including defamation law amendments; the introduction of antisocial behaviour orders (ASBOs) and night courts; direct access to local Garda stations, for faster response times; enforced standards for Garda response times; and a streamlined process for the return of stolen goods, to help businesses recover their losses.


More than 100 retailers attended the event, along with key figures such as Emer Higgins, Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Jim O’Callaghan TD, and Padraic Jones, chief superintendent of An Garda Síochána (Legislation and Crime Response).

These officials listened to retailers’ concerns and requests, as they sought to better understand the issues facing businesses, staff members, and customers.

Read More: Retailers Against Smuggling Warns That Cigarette Smuggling Is Gathering Pace

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