Tesco Ireland Unveils ‘52 Weeks Of Little Helps’ To Take Stress Out Of Mealtimes

By Sarah O'Sullivan
Tesco Ireland Unveils ‘52 Weeks Of Little Helps’ To Take Stress Out Of Mealtimes

Tesco Ireland has launched its ‘52 Weeks of Little Helps’ initiative, which will see a new recipe launched each week for a full year.

The retailer launched the initiative after its research found that kids most frequently asked their parents at mealtimes, ‘What’s for dinner?’

Some 40% of respondents said that they hear the dreaded question most frequently, followed by ‘Can I have a treat?’ (23%).

Tesco launched the campaign to help answer the number-one burning question and relieve some of the pressure on home cooks.


Each recipe is created for families, friends or housemates who want to cook convenient meals using simple, quality ingredients.


The recipes are diverse, reflecting the research, which found that 90% of parents said that they encourage their kids to experiment with new foods.

However, many have taken ‘experiment’ to a new level, with reported favourite food combinations including pasta with milk and sugar, Babybel and strawberry jam sandwiches, peas with strawberry yoghurt, and watermelon with ketchup.

Even though 9% of respondents said that the most frequent question that they hear is, ‘Can I eat dinner in front of the TV?’, 60% said that their family eats dinner together at the table.

Despite the certainty of ‘where’, the ‘what’ is still up for debate.

Some 29% of respondents said that they make a separate dinner for their children to what they and their partner eat.


With a new recipe released each week, Tesco hopes to alleviate this issue by offering diverse and tasty offerings for all.

As only 30% of respondents said that their children help with meal prep, the new, easy-to-follow recipes are the perfect way for parents enlist help from the little ones.

Give it a go with this week’s recipe of Fragrant Moroccan Chicken, now available on the website.

Read More: Tesco Ireland Wins Eight Prestigious Monde Awards

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