A study of grocery shopping habits by Carat has found that three quarters of women claim to be the main shopper in their household, with just two-fifths of men claiming responsibility for the main shop.
75% of female respondents said they were the 'main shopper' in their household, with 21% citing 'joint responsibility' for shopping. 43% of male respondents said they were chiefly responsible for shopping, with 47% citing 'joint responsibility'.
The number of male respondents claiming responsibility as 'main' shoppers has decreased since last year (46%), the study found.
The study also looked at the most effective method of in-store advertising, with 66% of respondents saying that 'end of aisle displays' are the advertising channel most likely to be noticed by shoppers. 61% said that 'advertising at shelf' was the most effective channel, while 53% cited 'free samples/tasting in-store', 43% cited 'advertising on the product and 39% citing 'posters as you enter the shop'.
Slightly more respondents (31%) answered that they are spending less time in-store when shopping, compared to last year (29%).
"In previous years, we were seeing signs of shoppers spending more time in-store comparing prices, [but] we are also seeing signs of shoppers spending less time in-store compared to previous years," Carat said.