UK Competition Watchdog To Review Supermarkets' Unit Pricing

By Donna Ahern
UK Competition Watchdog To Review Supermarkets' Unit Pricing

Britain's competition regulator will examine supermarket groups' so-called unit pricing, or how much a particular product costs by weight or volume, to ensure that shoppers can easily compare like for like, it said on Tuesday.

Grocery prices are in the spotlight as Britons grapple with an escalating cost-of-living crisis.

Grocery price inflation hit a record 16.7% in January, according to market researcher Kantar.

Unit Pricing

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said that it had kicked off a programme of work into unit pricing practices both in-store and online after concerns were raised by stakeholders.


“We know that the increased cost of living has hit the pound in people’s pockets," George Lusty, senior director for consumer protection at the CMA said.

“That’s why we’re pressing on with this important grocery unit pricing work to ensure shoppers can more easily compare prices and make choices that are right for them.”

Clear Pricing Information

The new work follows a 2015 Groceries Super-complaint where the CMA considered food retailers' pricing and promotional practices and concluded that complexities and inconsistencies with unit pricing could prevent people from spotting which deal gives them the best value.

The CMA will consider whether issues identified in 2015 remain, if retailers are complying with the law, as well as consumer awareness and use of unit pricing information.


Read More: UK Consumer Mood Slides Back To Near 50-Year Low: GfK

News by Reuters, edited by Donna Ahern, Checkout. For more retail stories, click here. Click subscribe to sign up for the Checkout print edition.

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