Main Crop Potato Harvest Underway Despite Planting Delays

By Sarah O'Sullivan
Main Crop Potato Harvest Underway Despite Planting Delays

Following delays in planting due to unseasonably wet weather earlier in the year, Wilson’s Country's agronomist has confirmed that the main crop potato harvest is now underway.

Stuart Meredith said, “Despite the cold, late spring and consequently the slow emergence of the 2024 crop, it has been a great year for potatoes so far.

“Rainfall amounts have been moderate at the right times.

“To date, early planted main crops have been yielding average or slightly above average tonnes per acre.

Despite this positive development, the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) and Wilson’s Country reminded industry professionals of the challenges still faced.


In its most recent report on 18 September, the IFA said, ‘Warm weather this week may temporarily slow consumption.

‘There are continued reports that later planted crops are slow to mature. Crops still have a good chance to catch up but with shorter day length and cooler overnight temperatures this may be limited, even given the mild weather forecast.’

Meredith also said, “Grower costs continue to increase. It has also been a tricky blight year.

“The potential of the disease to impact on crops has been consistently high. This has required potato growers to spray for blight on a weekly basis.

“In addition it is only the most expensive chemistries that are delivering the required levels of blight control, and this, again, is adding significantly to the cost of growing potatoes.”


‘A Lot Can Happen’

Meredith made the comments while visiting Alistair Moore's farm in Rathfirland, Co. Down.

Speaking about this year’s crops, Moore said, “Yields have been good up to this point.

“Ground conditions for harvesting have been excellent, but the 2024 harvest has only started and a lot can happen between now and the end of the season.”

Meredith concluded by assuring that despite challenges this year, the crop was currently in good stead.

He said, “With the harvest now building real momentum, we will be placing potatoes into store from next week onwards.


“Overall, the business continues to experience strong demand for potatoes from both the prepack and processing sectors.”

Read More: Potato Planting Completed In South-East In One Of Latest Seasons On Record

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