Unify Ordering Opens It Wholesale Grocery App To The Pubilc

By Donna Ahern
Unify Ordering Opens It Wholesale Grocery App To The Pubilc

Unify Ordering has recently announced that it has re-purposed its wholesale app for usage by the general public.

In operation since 2017, the UnifyOrdering app previously connected over 1500 restaurants and cafes with over 200 suppliers in the wholesale food industry.

In the past three weeks UnifyOrdering has seen over 40 premium Irish wholesale suppliers and producers including FXB, Italicatessen go live on the app to sell directly to the public, the company said.

"From a customer point of view, UnifyOrdering opens up a world of quality and speciality ingredients to the general public at wholesale prices," Barry McNerney, founder, UnifyOrdering said.

The Lotts & Co, Juniors and Paulie’s Pizza owner noted that orders from restaurants and cafés have dropped by up to 90% since the introduction of the lockdown, and many are now looking to find new ways to sell their produce to the public.


"Our lifestyles have changed dramatically, we will be centered in the home for the foreseeable future," he added.

"Enjoying meals and entertaining at home may be how we socialize going forward and  UnifyOrdering will allow home cooks to get the best quality and specialist ingredients from Irish suppliers with ease."

Independent Retailers 

The app also offers a home delivery or a 'click & collect' service with independent retailers who specialise in quality Irish and International produce such as Fallon & Byrne, The Butler’s Pantry, Lilliput Stores, George’s Fish Shops, Lotts & Co., Lynam’s, Deveney’s and Green Beards. 

Uunify Ordering was established three years ago by Barry McNerney alongside Louis Williams and Paul Lawless.

© 2020 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. Click sign-up to subscribe to Checkout.

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